Get the most out of your website. Learn how WDS can help you compete on the web.

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Where are you located and can I visit?

We are located in the middle of Wilmington, North Carolina (3816 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403) in a private co-working space called the Pioneer Lab. Our clients can meet with us anytime- in person face-to-face, over Zoom, and over the phone- at the convenience of your busy schedule. First time customers are not required to meet in-person before beginning a project, however we always prefer to when possible. All appointments must be scheduled ahead of time, by first completing the form located above.

How much will it cost?

This is the age-old question we receive the most but are always happy to discuss. Be weary of anyone that gives you a price in order to win over your business, without first asking about your goals, ideas, and vision. Too many times, we have been approached by clients seeking help because their last web project sounded great financially, but it never focused on meeting any goals and therefore never actually worked in the first place. With that said, every client and project is unique and has different needs. Each project is thoughtfully and carefully provided a quote that we think will help best position the client and project for success. But to give you a starting place, a really simple 5 page website will set you back about $1,800. Share your ideas with us and we’ll send you an estimate for getting started!

Do you accept any project?

No. We turn down projects every year for multiple reasons. We strive to produce amazing work for all of our clients and believe in having strong, honest, and positive communication. If you demand frequent updates within the minute and are always falling behind on deadlines that take a toll on the rest of your team, we’re probably not the best resource for you. If you’re looking for a website completion tomorrow, sorry but we’re usually booked out at least 6-8 weeks throughout the year. If you are looking to complete a website soon and within that timeframe, it’s best to send us a message now so that we can get you on our calendar and start working towards meeting your deadline.

What about hosting?

We have arguably one of the best hosting providers and secure servers on the planet, a top tiered premium Google cloud infrastructure for top reliability, security and speed. We take advantage of their fast network and SSD persistent storage for optimal site speed and a high-level of redundancy. Send us a message and let us know if youre interested in learning more bout hosting. We can take the hastle of hosting your site off your hands.

Will I own the site?

Yes! You own the site and are given full admin access. Hiring us to maintain your site is completely optional and a choice you get to make during the process. Take note that a majority of websites require a bit of upkeep, especially to keep plugins and themes up to date, working properly, and secure. We develop with SEO and performance in mind and minimize the amount of plugins needed, further positioning you with an easier to maintain website. Now thats long-term thinking!

Can I make edits?

Yes, definitely! We’d be lying if we said there wouldn’t be some learning curve though. Many clients wanting to make edits like changing text, adding pages, swapping out image can all be done with just a few simple clicks. We only hardcode portions of websites that are aboslutely necessary. This allows clients to make edits and revisions on their own without having to hire a costly developer to make the changes. We know a website is a large investment, and understand that real assets are ones that provide multiple options for sustainable growth. If you care not to make any edits at all, you can hire us, or reach out to a great community of over 100,000 freelancers and agencies that build on platforms just like us! Growing your site has never been easier.

Will I have an SSL Certificate?

Yes, this is important in keeping your site safe and secure from malicious attackers looking to inject code and or compromise your site. Every website installation will come standard with an SSL Ceritificate.

How do I get started?

Send us a message using the form above and we’ll reach out within 24 hours to schedule a time to discuss your goals and ideas for your next project!